Über die Quelle

The Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making is the premier journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society for peer-reviewed original papers of scientific merit examining how people engage in cognitive work in real-world settings and how that work can be supported through the design of technologies, operating concepts and operating procedures, decision-making strategies, teams and organizations, and training protocols. Thus, the journal publishes rigorous approaches to the observation, modeling, analysis and design of complex work domains in which human expertise is paramount and multiple aspects of the work environment may drive performance. This scope is quite broad and may include:
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- Naturalistic and ecological studies of domain-embedded cognitive performance, including knowledge and reasoning
- Cognitive task analyses, cognitive work analyses, and cognitive field research or knowledge elicitation
- Experiments emphasizing cognitively rich environments and a reliance on domain experts working as individuals or in teams
- Design of complex and joint cognitive systems that might involve evaluations of systems or envisioning exercises, the application of computational models of human and team performance, or empirical analyses capturing critical information on the impact of system designs on cognition and collaboration
- New theories and methods for integrating cognitive engineering within system design.
SAGE Publications Ltd
1 Oliver's Yard
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E-mail: market@sagepub.co.uk